ICON and Random D&D Characters

Starting up our ICON campaign again soon! Hinako is now a Level 5 Sealer, but has picked up the Harvester subclass - basically balancing a little yin and yang. Harvesters use the natural cycle of growth and decay; basically they’re the “DPS healer,” using gnarly plants and necrotic magic to bolster allies and poison enemies.

She’s going for that “balance” angle - in combat, healing and smiting in equal measure; out of combat, the voice of calm reason. As for her crazy claws, her hands got burned off in the finale of our previous season, because she tried to purify a volatile artifact, but wasn’t able to subdue its power. So, our Xixo (basically crab/bug people) jester-y rogue type used some of his power to help her regrow her limbs - which came back as gnarly Xixo claws. Hinako took it surprisingly well, she’s chill like that.

Also, some D&D stuff - first up, Lankin. He’s a Warforged Ranger (Fey Wanderer) that’s essentially a big, dumb, gruesome pile of bones. I get to play him doing fun, slasher movie monster stuff, even though at the end of the day, he’s still a good guy - even if weirds out the rest of the party. Our DM also commissioned some cool art of our characters for his game!

Then, just a goblin I probably won’t play but still wanted to draw, even if I’m a little late for the whole Landsnecht art fad. Her name’s Doppel, and she’s a brash lass-at-arms that’s after the “three w’s” of mercenary work: “wine, women, and w-gold.”