ICON and Random D&D Characters

Starting up our ICON campaign again soon! Hinako is now a Level 5 Sealer, but has picked up the Harvester subclass - basically balancing a little yin and yang. Harvesters use the natural cycle of growth and decay; basically they’re the “DPS healer,” using gnarly plants and necrotic magic to bolster allies and poison enemies.

She’s going for that “balance” angle - in combat, healing and smiting in equal measure; out of combat, the voice of calm reason. As for her crazy claws, her hands got burned off in the finale of our previous season, because she tried to purify a volatile artifact, but wasn’t able to subdue its power. So, our Xixo (basically crab/bug people) jester-y rogue type used some of his power to help her regrow her limbs - which came back as gnarly Xixo claws. Hinako took it surprisingly well, she’s chill like that.

Also, some D&D stuff - first up, Lankin. He’s a Warforged Ranger (Fey Wanderer) that’s essentially a big, dumb, gruesome pile of bones. I get to play him doing fun, slasher movie monster stuff, even though at the end of the day, he’s still a good guy - even if weirds out the rest of the party. Our DM also commissioned some cool art of our characters for his game!

Then, just a goblin I probably won’t play but still wanted to draw, even if I’m a little late for the whole Landsnecht art fad. Her name’s Doppel, and she’s a brash lass-at-arms that’s after the “three w’s” of mercenary work: “wine, women, and w-gold.”

Pandemic Drawings

Did a couple doodles during the dark times. Mostly, I kept busy with… work. Harder to separate work and home life when it all takes place in the same room.

I wanted to draw some soldier girls just for fun. No story behind them. Alt-history Soviet lasses? Who knows. At any rate, general idea is like a… darkly ironic postcard from the front lines. As best as I can tell, the Cyrillic translates roughly to “Wish you were here” (or at least that same general sentiment), but I had to do some deep dives on Google to sorta approximate it - so for all I know, it’s gibberish!

And more recently - stop me if you’ve heard this before - still trying to make Battlemaster Fighter + Mastermind Rogue in D&D 5E. Previous attempts were a Tabaxi and a Kobold - but this time I’ll actually get to play it, finally! This character is a Feywild Hobgoblin, from the recent UA and upcoming Feywild supplement for 5E. It’s got some fun synergies with Mastermind… but we’ll see how many actually make it to the final printing.

This is Domo - she’s brash, enthusiastic, and eager to impress, but she doesn’t have much in the way of ACTUAL military training. What she lacks in practical experience she makes up for with confidence! She’s got a bit of book smarts too - lots of studying dusty old war tomes - but her zeal for adventure and glory often gets her into trouble (and makes her seem a bit naive to the more seasoned heroes of the world).

Will be playing Domo in a campaign on the Gawd Mode channel soon.

Kelpie, Goblin Warlock of the Deep

Been playing this gal in an episodic West Marches-style campaign over roll20, thanks to the covid-19 quarantines.

She’s got a penchant for little white lies, and is trained in Sleight of Hand to slip her scrimshaw talisman (Pact of the Talisman from the Class Variant UA) into her comrades’ pockets. Kelpie’s patron is a melodious Mermaid trapped in glacial ice… or at least, that’s what it seems like to her.

Lurker in the Deep patron is SO much fun - the extra abilities they get for damage and control save spell slots, letting them take more spells for utility. Kelpie is taking a fair amount of ocean and storm-themed spells (like Lightning Bolt and Sleet Storm), but also has room for fun and thematic spells like Misty Step and Control Water. I really hope this subclass sees official print; it’s great.

Vivian Swift, Tiefling "Pilgrim" of Pelor

She’s not too fond of her chaperone.

[Character Status: Not yet played.]

Vivian Swift is a Tiefling that’s been more or less conscripted as an unwilling follower of Pelor. Her planned character is Divine Soul Sorcerer 4, with the remaining X levels in Celestial Warlock. Her patron, of all things, is actually Pelor!

Vivian’s backstory is a bit of "A Clockwork Orange" combined with some classic D&D Warlock flair. As a convicted pickpocket, she was given the choice between serving hard time or submitting herself to an experimental (and quite controversial) criminal rehabilitation "treatment." This procedure, conducted by an extremist sect of the Church of Pelor, placed a powerful geas on her. Now, she gets a little bit of a radiant "jolt" whenever she behaves badly. Vivian's a pretty rotten gal, but she can never seem to fully express that these days…

Her familiar, Grigori, is a nosy little Cherubim (a reskinned Pseudodragon) sent to keep tabs on her, making sure she doesn't misbehave.

Mechanically, her class level distribution gives her a little bit of damage, a little support, and a few fun scouting and utility abilities. Although she won’t reach her full potential until fairly late (level 10+), she should have enough variety to fit any niche the party needs. In addition, combining her class abilities with the Tiefling racial feat Flames of Phlegethos, she gets bonuses for casting all sorts of fire and radiant spells - thematically perfect for a... "follower" of Pelor.

I love doing these stupid Jojo-style mock ups…

[2018] Phantasma del Mar, Sewer Druid

[Character Status: Not yet played.]

Oh man. I don’t think there’s another character concept that I want to play more than this. Ever since Circle of Spores Druid was teased in an Unearthed Arcana, I’ve fallen in love with the idea of slovenly, fungus-themed druid. Its final iteration in Xanathar’s Guide to Everthying is certainly interesting - not all that powerful, but super duper flavorful.

Phantasma del Mar (“Y’all can call me ‘Phanta’ for short…”) is a Simic Hybrid (basically an Elven mutant, from the Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica). She lives in a sewer underneath a port, and has a striking affinity for all things creepy, crawly, and slimy both on land and in the sea. She’s a friendly, agreeable sort, but her outgoing personality is somewhat hindered by a nauseating stench coming from her sticky blue skin - something akin to a “rotting fish with body odor” when dry, and a “wet dog in a drainpipe” when moist.

In combat, I want to play her as sort of a back line melee skirmisher, utilizing the damage bonus on melee hits from Circle of Spores, bolstered with a Shillelagh-powered staff and the ever-present spore damage. To top it all off, I want Phantasma to take the Magic Initiate Warlock feat, allowing her to cast Booming Blade through her staff, while providing some juicy story opportunities to introduce the Demon Lord Zuggtmoy as her part-time patron. Combined with the Druid’s potent support and control spells and the Circle of Spore’s more offense and debuff-focused signature spells, it should make for a fun “jack of all trades, master of none” gish build.

However, character-wise, everything I’d ever want to convey about Phantasma to someone - including Southern twang vocal mannerisms - is probably best summarized by this cover:


[2018] Aesop, Kenku Alchemist

Aesop and his alter ego, Subject 22, both level 5.

Aesop, fully integrated with Subject 22, at level 11.

[Character Status: Level 11. Active.]

Aesop is a Kenku Blood Hunter, Order of the Lycan. After Kaz died in the Spelljammer campaign, this character took his place. In combat, he serves as an evasion-based off-tank and melee duelist.

By trade Aesop’s a hematologist, attempting to find a scientific cure for the Kenku people’s various genetic aliments - lack of flight, speech impediment, etc. Through some hard work in the campaign, he’s received the boon of magical wings. Also, from his backstory, Aesop’s previous research had granted him the ability of natural speech, but also gave him a terrible curse: the bloodthirsty alter ego known as “Subject 22.” Basically a Jekyll and Hyde situation.

He’s had a bit of a tragic background, involving his wife dying when his laboratory burnt down. His daughter, Hush, was a previous NPC in the campaign; she recently discovered her father’s monstrous alternate form, as well as the true story about what happened to her mother. It was a pretty exciting and emotional arc! Aesop is trying to be a better father, treating Hush less like a child and more like the grown woman she now is.

He continues his search for a “cure” for the ills of the Kenku, all the while attempting to keep Subject 22’s dark, murderous urges in check.

[2017 - 2018] Various Characters, Old and New

Some various characters played in random campaigns, as well as some future concepts that may or may not be played at some point…

Obvious Jamie Hewlett parody - credit where it’s due!

Concept: Mastermind Rogue 4 + Battlemaster Fighter X
[Character Status: Not yet played.]

A character concept I have not yet had a chance to play. Basically, trying to replicate the “feel” of the ranged archer Warlord from 4E using the Mastermind’s “Help” action, and the Battlemaster’s various tactical superiority dice.

One character idea was Dusk-Over-The-River (aka “Dusk”), a Tabaxi otaku obsessed with military history (but with very little actual combat experience).

The other was Oliver Hox, a brazen, braggadocios Kobold that talked a big game, but was a total coward once combat started.

Dimitri - Eldritch Knight 17, War Mage 3
[Character Status: Level 20. RETIRED.]

My first ever level 20 character (seen here in his “lesser” form)

Dimitri (aka “Dimitrivaxinarian”) was a blue dragon that was cursed by Tiamat; as punishment for his hubris, he was forced to live out his days as a lowly Dragonborn.

His quest involved smashing the 5 Dragon Masks of Tiamat, which resulted in his curse being broken. He was notoriously greedy, believing every magic item in the world belonged to him, and that his allies’ magical wares were merely “on loan.”

It was a ton of fun to play a Lawful Evil character - it ended up leading to a lot of great comic relief moments with the party - some of whom were almost as shifty as him!

Kaz - Yuan-ti Storm Sorcerer
[Character Status: Level 8. Deceased.]

Kaz was played in a super wacky Spelljammer homebrew campaign. He was an electrician from a jungle planet populated by a hierarchical society of coatl-like Yuan-ti. A pragmatic fellow, Kaz was fiercely loyal to his allies, but had a bit of a “fish out of water” complex when it came to modern social graces. In the end, as a member of the “lowly working caste,” Kaz sacrificed his life to save the party’s leader (much to her dismay).

Bonus Jojo version, just because…

Bonus Jojo version, just because…

Tome - Kenku Kensei
[Character Status: Level 6. One shot, retired.]

A shy kenku assassin. Often flustered by social interaction, thanks in no small part to the Kenku speech impediment causing difficulty with simple, everyday communication. However, a relative ace when it came to combat.

Kenseis, man. More bonus actions than I know what to do with. Kenkus are definitely my favorite race, though - lots of fun RP opportunities.

[2016] Rosheen, Order of the Ancients Paladin

[Character Status: Level 14. Active as of 06/19.]

Rosheen is a young mountain dwarf. She set out as a gruff little hedonist, running away from home, drinking and philandering her way into the services of Balinor, God of the Hunt. After spending some time in the town of Goldenshore, picking up ownership of a full-fledged restaurant and tap house, and having a minor falling out with her deity, she eventually learned a bit of responsibility. Her spectral steed, simply named “Deer,” has always been her faithful companion.

She’s a stalwart guardian now, willing to go out of her way to do the right thing, and protect hearth and home. But, she still fancies a pint and a shag now and again…