ICON and Lancer Characters 2021

My Saturday RPG group took a break from D&D this year. We’ve been getting into Lancer - a mecha RPG by Tom Parkinson-Morgan of “Kill Six Billion Demons” fame - and we began the year with me running the first module, “No Room for a Wallflower,” for the group.

After that, a different player in our group ran Tom’s play test for yet another RPG by Tom, ICON - an idyllic high-fantasy setting. In that, I played the Hinako, the Goblin to the left (in ICON, “goblins” are like frog/amphibious beastfolk). She’s a Sealer, basically the game’s Monk class, and was focused on blessing and protecting the group and warding away demons.

Now that we’re at a stopping point with ICON, though, another player is picking up the GM mantle, and I’m finally going to get a chance to actually PLAY Lancer, rather than just running it.

My first Lancer character (below) is Vera Black, a disgraced UIB (Lancer’s CIA, basically) operative with a prosthetic hardlight arm. They pilot “Blackbird,” a SSC Metalmark class mech that will utilize stealth in combat for long-range missile strikes. That’s the plan at least! Their mech is fragile but fast, so it should be pretty good for Lancer’s objective-based missions!

Cynthia Fawn and "Queen Mother" (Lancer)

[Character Status: Not yet played.]

So, I’m gearing up to try out Lancer. I’m a huge fan of the artist that does both Lancer’s art and the web comic Kill 6 Billion Demons. I’ll probably end up running the first module, No Room for a Wallflower, for some friends, but if I can find a game as a player I’ll be excited to use this character (… these characters?).

Cynthia Fawn is an AI Specialist that sees a bit of herself in NHPs (non-human persons, basically Lancer’s version of hyper-advanced AI). She’s formed a somewhat unhealthy family dynamic with Gorgon mech’s SCYLLA-class NHP, who goes by the moniker “Queen Mother.” A little high strung, Cynthia relates to code more than she does people, and lives by the motto “mother knows best.” Queen Mother herself just wants to protect these tiny pustules of flesh that call themselves “ally,” and will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety… whether or not they ask for it.

In gameplay terms, the Gorgon is a defensive mech that disrupts and punishes enemies when they attack adjacent allies. As Cynthia grows in level, she’ll improve Queen Mother’s capabilities with other protective functions from the Dusk Wing, Napoleon, and Saladin mechs.