ICON and Lancer Characters 2021

My Saturday RPG group took a break from D&D this year. We’ve been getting into Lancer - a mecha RPG by Tom Parkinson-Morgan of “Kill Six Billion Demons” fame - and we began the year with me running the first module, “No Room for a Wallflower,” for the group.

After that, a different player in our group ran Tom’s play test for yet another RPG by Tom, ICON - an idyllic high-fantasy setting. In that, I played the Hinako, the Goblin to the left (in ICON, “goblins” are like frog/amphibious beastfolk). She’s a Sealer, basically the game’s Monk class, and was focused on blessing and protecting the group and warding away demons.

Now that we’re at a stopping point with ICON, though, another player is picking up the GM mantle, and I’m finally going to get a chance to actually PLAY Lancer, rather than just running it.

My first Lancer character (below) is Vera Black, a disgraced UIB (Lancer’s CIA, basically) operative with a prosthetic hardlight arm. They pilot “Blackbird,” a SSC Metalmark class mech that will utilize stealth in combat for long-range missile strikes. That’s the plan at least! Their mech is fragile but fast, so it should be pretty good for Lancer’s objective-based missions!