Pandemic Drawings

Did a couple doodles during the dark times. Mostly, I kept busy with… work. Harder to separate work and home life when it all takes place in the same room.

I wanted to draw some soldier girls just for fun. No story behind them. Alt-history Soviet lasses? Who knows. At any rate, general idea is like a… darkly ironic postcard from the front lines. As best as I can tell, the Cyrillic translates roughly to “Wish you were here” (or at least that same general sentiment), but I had to do some deep dives on Google to sorta approximate it - so for all I know, it’s gibberish!

And more recently - stop me if you’ve heard this before - still trying to make Battlemaster Fighter + Mastermind Rogue in D&D 5E. Previous attempts were a Tabaxi and a Kobold - but this time I’ll actually get to play it, finally! This character is a Feywild Hobgoblin, from the recent UA and upcoming Feywild supplement for 5E. It’s got some fun synergies with Mastermind… but we’ll see how many actually make it to the final printing.

This is Domo - she’s brash, enthusiastic, and eager to impress, but she doesn’t have much in the way of ACTUAL military training. What she lacks in practical experience she makes up for with confidence! She’s got a bit of book smarts too - lots of studying dusty old war tomes - but her zeal for adventure and glory often gets her into trouble (and makes her seem a bit naive to the more seasoned heroes of the world).

Will be playing Domo in a campaign on the Gawd Mode channel soon.